Visual Artist
S E L E C T P U B L I C A T I O N S / B I O G R A P H Y
Jill Tuthill, Bronx Times, ARTIST TALK: Latin American Printmaking in the Bronx
https://www.bxtimes.com/whats-happening-apr-8/ April 10, 2024
Carlo McCormick, Caleb Neelon & Chris Pape, Gordon Matta-Clark: NYC Graffiti Archive 1972/73 Monograph, 2024
Tangerine Clarke, Caribbean Life, CaFA fair to showcase scores of artistes in Barbados
https://www.caribbeanlife.com/cafa-fair-to-showcase-scores-of-artistes-in-barbados/ February 9, 2024
Heng-Gil Han, Shared Dialogue, Shared Space, 2023, Korea Art Forum
Jessi Mitchell, CBS New York, October 24, 2023 https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/gender-and-ethnicity-at-heart-of-new-exhibits-at-sugar-hill-childrens-museum-in-harlem/
Máximo Cerdio, Noticias Morelos Migrantes, November 7, 2023. Exponen Migrantes: Rostros y Caminos – Morelos Migrante (morelosmigrantenoticias.com)
Tatiana Reinosa, Reclaiming the Americas, Spring 2023
Tatiana Reinosa, All My Ancestors: The Spiritual in Afro-Latinx Art, Brandywine Workshop and Archives, 2023
Manhattan Times News, August 6, 2022. https://www.manhattantimesnews.com/on-wings-and-of-will-sobre-alas-y-voluntad/
Art Fix Daily (November 17, 2020). https://www.artfixdaily.com/news_feed/2020/11/16/397-%C2%A1printing-the-revolution!-the-rise-and-impact-of-chicano-graphics-
Hoy, Areito Section, December 19, 2020. https://hoy.com.do/moses-ros-una-poetica-visual/
The Angelus. https://www.stmvirgin.org/the-angelus-our-newsletter/2020/2/2/volume-22-number-10
Art & Object, November 17, 2020. https://www.artandobject.com/press-release/printing-revolution-rise-and-impact-chicano-graphics
Smithsonian American Art Museum, November 16, 2020. https://americanart.si.edu/press/printing-revolution-rise-and-impact-chicano-graphics
Architectural Digest, Janelle Zara, “How Artists Are Using Plywood as a Canvas for Protest.” https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/plywood-project-art
¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now (Smithsonian American Art Museum, 2020). https://americanart.si.edu/exhibitions/chicano-graphics https://americanart.si.edu/institution/dominican-york-proyecto-grafica-30294
Nation of Graffiti Artist, Micheal Lawerance, Chris Pape, Beyond the Streets, 2020
Obras internationals se exponent en Ibarra, La Hora, January 23, 2020 https://issuu.com/la_hora/docs/web_23_de_enero_2020
Ronnie Billini, The Art Settlers of New York, Moses Ros, El Barrio Firehouse Community, Media Center, January 19, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDAdSTuvxxM
Gregg McQueen, Patria Prints, Manhattan Times, December 4, 2019 https://www.manhattantimesnews.com/patria-printsimpresiones-patria/
Mara Guereca, Water/Aqua, El Siglo de Durango, November 9, 2019
Una celebración gráfica que valora la cuentística de Juan Bosch, El Caribe, November 5, 2019 https://www.elcaribe.com.do/2019/11/05/una-celebracion-grafica-que-valora-la-cuentistica-de-juan-bosch/
Cultura anuncia “Celebración gráfica a la cuentista de Juan Bosch”, El Diario Libre, October 29, 2019 https://www.diariolibre.com/revista/cultura/cultura-anuncia-celebracion-grafica-a-la-cuentista-de-juan-bosch-JE15009660
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Helping Businesses for the past 15 years, News12 Brooklyn, September 24, 2019 https://brooklyn.news12.com/story/41095067/hispanic-chamber-of-commerce-helping-businesses-for-the-past-15-years
Graciela Kartofel, 14th Cuenca Biennial Living Structures, Artnexus, March-May 2019 https://artelatam.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Art-Nexus_ArteLatAm-Collective-of-artists_Cuenca-Biennial-2018.pdf
Artnexus Graciela Kartofel 14th Cuenca Biennial Living Structures March-May 2019
El Siglo de Durango https://www.elsiglodedurango.com.mx/noticia/1085404.inauguran-water-agua.html
Bronx Artist Documentary Project, Judith C. Lane, 2015
Graffiti 365, Jay Edlin, Andrew Witten, Abrams, 2011